
Behold Astrid, a powerful volva from Uppsala! On planet Midgard, volva is a kind of seeress whose job is connecting to the Yggdrasil, a Forbidden Network, looking for the visions of what the future can bring to anyone willing to pay a hefty sum for this knowledge. This includes private corporations, military leaders, or the mighty rulers of Midgard.
Astrid is both beautiful and intimidating - her skin is bright and soft, and her eyes glow faintly due to her connection with the Tree of Life. She always seems to be traveling in both the real world and cyberspace at the same time, talking to the entities invisible to the human eye. She is also a potent spellcaster, able to rip reality apart to defeat her enemies. Astrid is trained in the hexeri of the Aesir, the godlike beings from the Asgard system, which allows her to strike down the foes with a magical lightning bolt or fly to escape threats too big for her to handle. She may look fragile, but the ability to predict the future mixed with her combat capability proved many of her opponents wrong.
From the Midguard universe, this collectible miniature is limited to 200 copies. Each box contains a miniature and authentication certificate with the number of the copy.
Marin Grzegorzek and Artur Szymala
Anna Jarmolowska
Victor Aquilar